About The Crochet Crib Co.

I taught myself how to crochet during lockdown 2021 whilst pregnant with my first son Freddie. I only ever made things for friends and family as a hobby but always enjoyed making something beautiful from some just some yarn and a hook.

Towards the end of 2022 I had my second son Henry. Whilst on maternity leave from my full time job, my sister announced that she was pregnant with her third child and asked if I could attempt to make a crochet Moses basket and this is when The Crochet Crib Co. was born! 

Since making that very first basket, I have carefully researched and instructed an independent UKAS accredited lab to test my Moses baskets to ensure they meet the Moses basket safety standard BS EN 1466:2014 + AC:2015. I'm pleased to say that the baskets have passed the requirements and do conform to the safety standard as well as having passed flammability testing.

Every basket is lovingly handmade by myself, I'm a one-person set-up based in Essex and I make the baskets to the highest standards - I refuse to sell something that I wouldn't be happy with receiving myself. I also pride myself in offering a personal and bespoke service, I will try to accommodate any requests or colour schemes as best I can, please do use the contact form for any such requests.

Thank you for visiting The Crochet Crib Co, I look forward to making your dream basket,
